The aim of the challenge is for the entire team to cross from one side of the fence to the other without touching the fence line. There are two variations of this challenge a more basic version and the more advanced one, both are great for developing teamwork and trust.
Equipment Required
Basic: Rope, shoestring or pole
Advanced: 2 x Ropes, milk crates, 4 x plastic fencing stakes, and a ladder (or wooden planks)
Space Required: Medium. Indoors or outdoors
Group Size: Minimum of 5, with a maximum of 15
Total Time: 30 minutes
- 5 minutes to brief and set up
- 15 minutes to achieve the outcome
- 5 minutes to review and debrief
Suggested Learning Outcomes
- Cooperation
- Communication
- Leadership
- Problem-Solving
- Trust
The full description of Electric Fence can be found in our eBook, The Team Building Activity Book. The eBook provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for leading the activity including full activity notes, challenger brief, activity setup, safety and rules, challenge variations, coaching points, and review questions. The book also features 29 other team activities that are guaranteed to inspire and motivate your team, or your money back. Check it out here.

Tips and information on how to facilitate a team building activity.