Browsing: 5 Minute Fillers

More than 50, FREE 5-Minute Filler Games, great to start your meetings or get your Team fired up. We also have a HUGE database of Icebreakers and Longer Team Building Activities!

Sit your group down and organise them into an inward facing semi-circle facing you. You…

Body Part Twister is great for getting people working together and energised, it is physical…

Divide your group into two teams who sit on opposite sides of the room; each…

Two chairs are placed opposite each other and about five metres apart in the middle…

Organise the group into two or three separate teams (depending on the size of the…

Get the participants to stand in a spaced circle facing inwards, all except one person…

Get your group to sit in a circle. In the middle of the circle there…

Select a volunteer to be blindfolded and sit them on a chair in the middle…

Similar to wink murder but the chosen person starts an action which everyone in the…

This game is aimed at young children and involves a lot of cooperation and group togetherness. Divide…

Organise the group into a circle., ensuring enough space between each other (stretched arm length). Stand…