Team Shadow


Overview: This activity is a great standalone exercise for a small organization, department, or team.  It can also serve as a follow-up or partner exercise to the previously highlighted activity “A Day in the Life of Bob”.  Participants are given the opportunity to step into a colleague’s shoes for two hours, a half-day, or an entire day by either shadowing (or working independently in) that colleague’s role. Colleague’s often do not fully understand nor appreciate the work of one another until they have a clear understanding of their daily efforts. This eye-opening exercise will give your team clarity and a heightened appreciation for one another’s contributions.

Equipment Required: None.

Space Required: Standard daily working environment.

Group Size: 4 to 100 people.

Total Time: 1 Day – 1 Week.


  1. Assign each team member another person to shadow or work independently in that colleague’s role. Assign timelines for the shadowing to take place. Everyone should preferably complete their shadowing over a single day (or week). The shorter the time-period, the more effective the exercise will be. Brief the team on the activity and let them know they will be shadowing or working independently in a colleague’s role for a brief period. Encourage them to take notes and reflect on their experience. Determine a debrief date/time and communicate it to the team.
  2. Debrief the activity. If the group is small enough, give each team member the opportunity to share their experience with the rest of the group.


Learning Outcomes

  • Collaboration
  • Team Morale & Appreciation
  • Communication
  • Listening Skills
  • Cooperation


Suggested Review Questions

  • What did you learn from this activity?
  • What did you enjoy most about this activity?
  • What is one thing that surprised you about your team member’s role?
  • Did the activity make you see your colleagues in a new light? If so, how?
  • Do you appreciate your colleagues more after learning more about their roles/responsibilities? Do you have any examples?
  • What is one thing that you can take away from this activity?


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