Sometimes when leading a team building workshop, getting participants to think on a ‘deeper level’ can be a struggle. However, I have found that something as simple as a one-sentence quote card can have them making connections they never knew were there.
Not only are quotes an excellent tool to use at the end of the workshop when reflecting on the team-building experience, but they can also be used as an engaging introductory exercise. Sharing quotes can help team members build connections, find common ground, and spark creative thought around a specific learning theme.
Recently, I found success in using quotes to lead into an activity. By using quotes to focus on a specific learning outcome, I was able to front-load the workshop and discuss a key learning theme in greater detail. The first few minutes of the workshop are a key time to hook and engage participants.
At the start of a workshop, display a collection of handmade quotes cards that centre on a particular learning theme. Ask group members to choose a quote that resonates with them. They then take this quote card away and reflect upon this individually. They then discuss the quote with a partner and then share it with the rest of the group. This encourages discussion within the group and sets up the training workshop.
You can also read out a quote that relates to a specific learning theme, such as leadership. Once you have read the quote, allow them a minute to individually reflect on the meaning before discussing it as a group. Once they have a better understanding of the learning theme, you can then begin the team challenge.
Quotes can be used again later in the team-building workshop as a reflection tool. At the end of the session, display a collection of quote cards and ask your participants to choose a quote that represents any key learning or new outlook they will be taking away from the experience. If they want to, allow them to take the quote card with them as a souvenir of the experience. They can then use this card as a learning prompt and keep this on their desk or as an insert in their diary.
Teamwork quotes
Planning quotes
Decision making quotes
Goal setting quotes
Achievement quotes
I recommend you start building your own quote collection and have this available when teaching a workshop. There are some great quote books and websites available. Enjoy your search!
Printable quote cards are included as part of my eBook, ‘The Team Building Activity Book’. The book provides full descriptions for over 30 team-building challenges including printable challenger briefs, ready-to-use programmes, and access to exclusive member downloads. Buy it now for $19.99.