Unicorn Horn



Kick off your next meeting with this hilarious ice breaker! This activity will not take valued time from your agenda as it moves very quickly. Unicorn Horn is sure to provide laughs and lots of entertaining pictures/video for your team to remember. To kick off the activity ask at least five brave volunteers join you at the front of the room. The gracious volunteers then compete to see who can build the tallest unicorn horn (built out of brownie bites) on their forehead. This is a timed activity and you only need to allow one to two minutes for building. Once time runs out, the volunteer with the tallest freestanding horn will be crowned the most magical unicorn in all the land!

Equipment Required:

Brownie bites (10 per team). You can substitute small cookies or flat candies such as peanut butter cups. Plastic Tablecloths. Long Rectangular Table.

Space Required: Small

Group Size: 30 to 250 people.

Total Time:10 Minutes

  • 5 minutes to brief the activity.
  • 5 minutes to organize and complete the challenge.


  1. You will need to have at least 5 volunteers come to the front of the room while the rest of the participants observe (encourage pictures and video footage). This activity works best if you can break the group down into teams of 5 people. Next have each team send up one representative to compete. Each team should cheer on their own team representative!
  2. Assemble plastic tablecloths on the floor at the front of the room. Place plates of brownie bites on the long rectangular table (one plate per volunteer/team).
  3. Brief the activity. Inform the group that the volunteers (or team representatives) will be compete against one another to build the tallest unicorn horn. Once the participants stack the brownie bites on their foreheads, they are not permitted to hold them in place (they must balance). If at any point one piece falls over, they must rebuild the entire stack. The person with the most brownie bites stacked (and balancing) when time runs out will be crowned the most magical unicorn in all the land!
  4. Crown your winner! For extra entertainment, have unicorn prizes (colorful horns, ponytails, tutus, t -shirt’s etc.) to award at the end.

Learning Outcomes

  • Team Bonding
  • Creative Thinking
  • Leadership
  • Time Management

