Working in pairs, blindfolded participants are led on a walk around the surrounding area or a course by their partners. This is great activity for focusing on communication skills and developing trust.
Equipment Required: Blindfolds
Space Required: Medium. Indoors or outdoors.
Group Size: Any. Maximum of 20 participants (10 pairs) per facilitator.
Total Time: 35 minutes
- 5 minutes to brief and set up
- 20 minutes = 2 x 10min Trust Walks
- 10 minutes to review and debrief
Suggested Learning Outcomes
- Communication
- Creative thinking
- Leadership
- Risk awareness
- Trust
The full description for Trust Walk can be found in my eBook, The Team Building Activity Book. The eBook provides easy to follow, step by step instructions for leading the activity including full activity notes, activity setup, safety and rules, challenge variations and review questions. The book also features 29 other team activities that guaranteed to inspire and motivate your team. Buy it now for $19.99.