In smaller teams, blindfolded team members must be guided into a pen by the shepherd giving them verbal commands. The team that pens the most amount of sheep in the quickest time, wins the challenge.
Equipment Required: Blindfolds, cones (for pen), and whistle (for indoors get your shepherd to make noises instead).
Space Required: Medium. Outdoors or indoors (depending on space).
Group Size: 6 to 10 ideally, but can be done with more split into smaller teams.
Total Time: 40 minutes
- 5 minutes to brief
- 15 minutes of planning time
- 15 minutes to achieve the outcome (depending on the total number of participants allocate more time).
- 5 minutes to review and debrief
Suggested Learning Outcomes
- Communication
- Leadership
- Problem-solving
- Resilience
- Trust
The full description for Sheep and Shepherd can be found in our eBook, The Team Building Activity Book. The eBook provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for leading the activity including full activity notes, activity setup, safety and rules, challenge variations and review questions. The book also features 29 other team activities that are guaranteed to inspire and motivate your team. Check it out here.

(*featured image courtesy of US Embassy on Flickr)