Teams work together to build a free-standing shelter which the whole team must be able…
‘Toss Me Some Feedback’ is a fun blindfold activity that explores the importance of feedback,…
Creating a group resume is a fun way to help team members build better rapport…
It’s been about twelve years since I first learned how to review and became convinced…
Questions, questions, questions! The ability to ask and answer questions is central to training and…
This article is written for anyone who is new to training and looking for some…
Teams must work together to complete a puzzle as quickly as possible. Initially the teams…
During this exercise people share who they are and their motivation or ambitions for the…
Hole in Space is a variation of the popular Spider’s Web activity. Working together, each…
A creative alternative to the group contract exercise and can be used during the forming…
This is an active ice breaker, great for group introductions. Masking the future involves group…
Climate checker is a quick and easy exercise used to find out how people feel about…