This works better with a large group. Have the whole group divided into smaller teams. Each team now sits around the leader separately from the other groups with enough distance to make it a bit of a sprint! The task is then simple, read one item from the list below and the team that sends up a person or group of people that fits the description you have just given earns a point.
An example might be to find two people in your group who have the same middle name. Group members must talk, find out if anyone has the same middle names and then quickly send those people to the leader to earn points for their team.
Example Hunt List:
Two people who have the same first and last initial.
The person in your group who was born the furthest away from here.
Two people with the same middle name.
A group of people whose shoe sizes add up to 28
A group of people whose ages add up to 80.
Two people with the same birth month.
Two people with the same birth sign.
The person in your group who lives closest to here.
A group of people who have attended school for a total of 25 years or more.
A group of people who can spell a word by using the initials of their names.
A group of three people who all have different coloured eyes.
Two people who have a sweet wrapper in their pocket.
Four people who are wearing red in their clothing.